Workout Of The Day #30
Small Hasty Bodyweight Workout
A GOOD Bodyweight workout routine is far and few between. There are also a TON of beginner bodyweight workouts out there too! When you think about bodyweight do you think about mass? Are you looking to build mass?
Either way bodyweight training is VERY safe for your mind, body and spirit. If you are looking for a bodyweight workout for mass specifically you may want to look somewhere else. I don’t train and workout for mass, I train and workout for function, I want to be able to bring in the groceries in ONE trip without worrying about pulling a muscle.
When thinking about results what do you think of? Bodyweight workout results come from all sorts of workouts! It really is all about constancy. Even if you get 1 round done today. What happens when you workout once a week for 1 year? You have just gotten 52 workouts completed! How many did you get done CONSISTENTLY last year? Commit to 1 time a week!
Ok, give this one a try…
WOD #30 Small Hasty Bodyweight Workout
3 Rounds
- 20 x 3
- First 20- Full Range of Motion
- Then 20- Pulse
- Lastly 20 second hold
- Push-ups
- Leg Lifts
- Dead Lifts
In the video below I show you exactly what to do.
This one is GREAT for FAT Burn!!
You Got This!
Today’s Episode of THE Exercise Physiology Show helps coach you through conflict… GO HERE to watch.
If you are looking for another Small Hasty Bodyweight Workout then go HERE…
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Always remember…
If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!
I believe in YOU!
Now it’s YOUR turn!
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PSS: Are you trying to stay accountable with your weight loss journey? Then this is the program for you– Go Here For Details
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