Larry Hochman is the person who gave me my first shot helping people online. With his T3Method already in place it was VERY intimidating, to me, to come in that environment and help.

With his T3Method I learned how to grow into the person I am today. He helps a person change from the inside out. I am grateful to have the pleasure to work with such an honorable person.

Here is what Larry said about me:

It’s easy to find professional trainers and exercise physiologists. It’s a bit harder to find high energy, motivating people.

It’s even harder still to find people who genuinely listen to others and empathize. So when you get all three of those qualities in one person, you stay close and value them.

Jed Kobernusz is that guy. He’s brought knowledge, skill and boundless enthusiasm to our community…and people respond.

Larry Hochman, M.S., C.A.G.S.
Founder, No More Holding Back and The T3 Method

So with that I simply wanted to thank you Mr. Larry Hochman for giving me the opportunity to grow into the practitioner that I know I have always been, but never had the confidence enough to tell the world about… Until NOW 😉

So here’s to My First Shot Helping and MANY more to come… 🙂

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7 Workout Myths

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Considering Coaching? Go to the Coaching Program page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight FIRST…

PS: Check out the Private Community of The T3 Method by Clicking Here. We have SO much fun that losing weight is simply a side effect.

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Jed Kobernusz
7 Workout Myths
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