Starting out in any program or routine there are always two things to keep in mind. Loving the journey versus loving the destination. That means the journey IS the destination. When that realization comes you’ll start to change even faster.
The journey is something we all take for granted. As a result of that we miss out on so much. Life can pass us by in a New York Minute. The journey or as I call it, the Climb IS my destination.
I would LOVE it to be yours too. Each day we start our day with the same alarm clock, the same trip to the bathroom, the same look in the mirror and the same route to work. But what if there was something you could do to STOP that same pattern.
Instead of setting the “Goal” of a destination and going through the same motions…
Why Can’t There Be A Pattern Interruption?
Meaning, the journey is where the magic happens. Interrupting your patterns each day, but even for a minute, will change your destination.
This may sound a little “woo woo”, but that’s how some of the happiest people I know or read about act and live. To name some a couple, Larry Hochman and Gary Vaynerchuk. They love the journey MORE than the destination. They interrupt their patterns to stay OUT of their comfort zone ON PURPOSE!
So take today’s WOD and get into the mind set of loving the journey versus loving the destination by interrupting your patterns for at LEAST one round.
Go get it!
WOD #199 Loving The Journey Versus Loving The Destination
Warm-Up – 5 Minutes Cardio
1-6 Rounds
- Jumping Jacks – 20 Reps
- Sit-Ups – 20 Reps
- Jumping Jacks – 20 Reps
- Dips – 20 Reps
- Jumping Jacks – 20 Reps
- Bodyweight Deadlifts – 20 Reps
Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog Pose
Have Fun!
You Got This!
If you have any suggestions for me or want to know more about what I can do for you, then please email me at
Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.
Jed Kobernusz
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach
Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
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Considering Coaching in addition to your current routine? Go to the Coaching or Work With Me page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped MANY people.
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