Workout Of The Day #24

Kick Yourself Back To A New You

Kick Yourself Back To A New You

Have you ever looked for a kick yourself meaning? What does that mean to kick yourself? Well I would say most of us do this in a very negative way. Let’s spin that round and kick yourself back to a new you with today’s WOD. In the video I show you exactly what it looks like.

On a side note have you ever had the urge to kick yourself in the head? Do you even think it’s possible? I think anything is possible. LOL

Let’s also think about when you kick yourself in the foot. I bet that has happened. I have tripped over my own feet and that is a little embarrassing, but it you have to learn how to kick yourself up and move on!

That’s what life is all about having fun and going with the flow!

Let me know what you think of this WOD. I would LOVE to hear your feedback!

Ok here it is…

WOD #24 Kick Yourself Back To A New You

6 Rounds

Plank Tap- 20 reps per side

Double Leg Lift- 20 Reps total

Butt kicks- 50 Reps total

You Got This!

Check out other videos from my YouTube Channel.

Looking for other ideas to Kick Yourself Back To A New You GO HERE

Was this post about how to Kick Yourself Back To A New You helpful? Feel free to share with your friends if you got value.

Always remember…

If you are willing to change from the neck up, then you WILL change from the neck down!

I believe in YOU!

Now it’s YOUR turn!

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Considering Coaching? You may want to think about going HERE to find out more about how I approach weight loss that has worked Big Time!

7 Workout Myths

PS: Are you trying to lose weight but need some help? You may want to consider checking into my daily messages – Click Here For Details

PSS: Are you trying to stay accountable with your weight loss journey? Then this is the program for you– Go Here For Details

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Jed Kobernusz
Kick Yourself Back To A New You
7 Workout Myths
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