Have you ever wondered how the most successful people get REALLY good at discovering inner strength PLUS outer beauty?

Today’s WOD will TOTALLY help you do that…


As a result of you being a part of the Kobernation you may or may not have figured out by now that I am helping people change from the neck up so that they can change from the neck down.

Because knowledge is for the mind and experience is for the body, therefore you want to find the best possible way to balance both.

To do that it takes daily practices…

Like meditation or as I have learned it to be Mental Rehearsal.

Discovering inner strength PLUS outer beauty has many bennefits perhaps even life long changes too.

After today’s WOD you will feel free. Compare yourself and mood before you move and after. Maybe even start a journal. It doesn’t take much to write “man I DON’T want to do this” before the WOD. And it doesn’t take much to write “WOW I am SO glad I did Today’s WOD, I feel SO much better”. Right?!

Consequently you’ll see a change both physically AND mentally. Not right away of course, but give it the four letter word that we ALL want more of… TIME.

Concluding today’s post is easy…

Dig Deep and Stay Consistent


Here we go…

WOD #146 Discovering Inner Strength PLUS Outer Beauty

Warm Up – 5 Min Cardio

1 – 6 Rounds

  • Mtn Climbers – 1 Min
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Burpees / Full Body Extensions – 1 Min
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Squats / Squat Jumps – 1 Min
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Plank Shoulder Taps – 1 Min
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Pilates 100 – 1 Min
  • Rest 30 seconds

Cool Down – 5 Deep Breaths In Down Dog / Child’s Pose AND Warrior II

Have Fun!

You Got This!

In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. In addition to the video, if you want more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected]

Was this WOD helpful? Feel free to share and comment.

Furthermore consider sharing it. I would greatly appreciate it if you commented below also.

Jed Kobernusz
Jed Kobernusz – B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Exercise Physiologist
Body Weight Movement Coach

Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]

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Considering Coaching in addition to your current routine? Go to the Coaching or Work With Me page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight (Click the blue words to find out what that means) FIRST…

PS: Want more motivation? Tired of the same old crummy routine of life? Rather then going to another newsletter you won’t ACTUALLY read, hop on mine to get your daily dose: JedKobernusz.com/Newsletter

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