When trying to workout I have found that the back fat is one of the most hardest areas to work. WOD #102 however will help you erase back fat today.

As a dude, I find that women aren’t the only ones that struggle with this area. I have created back fat exercises for women and really when it comes down to it, it’s because I do those exercises myself.

As a parent I don’t think many of the movements and/or exercises I create are gender specific. Women back in the day, before the internet, only worried about one thing…

How they looked in the mirror… That’s not far off from a dude’s perspective.

We want to look good naked… Plain and simple.

Back fat workouts come in all shapes in sizes but WOD #102 acts as an eraser and helps erase back fat today. (Dare I say tomorrow too 😉 )

The reason I do all these from home is because I “don’t have time” anywhere else to do them. I do back exercises at home and record videos doing them because it helps ME stay accountable to YOU.

Also, I get board VERY easy with exercise and movement, so I have to switch it up DAILY. Or should I say I GET to… 🙂

Within today’s WOD you will also find exercises to get rid of back fat not only for women, but for men too. I specifically like working with parents, especially NEW parents because I like the challenge from the excuse…

“I Don’t Have Time”

You don’t have time you say…

You don’t have energy you say…

You hurt to much you say…

Well good luck with that when you are bed ridden with all the time in the world, NO energy to even MOVE your body and the pain hurts SO bad that if you DO move your body feels like a 1,000 pins and needles are being jabbed into you…


If you want to get even MORE specific…

JedKobernusz.com/WOD50 || JedKobernusz.com/WOD31 || JedKobernusz.com/WOD59
(***Put Whatever number you want after the word WOD and that link will take you to the specific number***)

Go get’em…

Either MAKE time for LIFE now or MAKE time for ILLNESS later…

Either way you’ll HAVE to MAKE time for something…

Which will you CHOOSE?

So let’s get to it then…

WOD #102 Erase Back Fat Today

3 Rounds for time

  • Deadlift 20 reps
  • High Squat 20 reps
  • Batmans 20 reps

Have fun with this one!!

I KNOW I did!!

In the Video below I show you exactly what to do, WITH modifications. If you are looking for more of a 1:1 experience, then email me at [email protected] and let’s talk about what that looks like for you. 🙂

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7 Workout Myths
Jed Kobernusz- B.Sc.-Ex. Sc.
Movement Coach

Jed Kobernusz’s Coaching Blog
Email: [email protected]
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Jed Kobernusz On Instagram

Considering Coaching? Go to my Coaching page to find out more about my approach to weight loss that has helped people to Lose Their Mind Weight FIRST…

PS: Want in depth counseling for weight loss, business or self confidence? I help Larry Hochman in The T3Method.com with the movement portion of his AMAZING program. Also see what Larry has said about my services for him. Click Here For Details 

PSS: Seriously… If you LOVE coffee as much as I do, then you ABSOLUTELY need to try this coffee that I found. Go Here To Get Yours. (I recommend the black :) )

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